- 客户端向用户提示授权
- 用户同意授权,向客户端提供授权许可(grant)
- 客户端向认证服务器发送认证请求,请求中包含用户提供的授权许可
- 认证成功后认证服务器向客户端发放令牌(token)
- 客户端使用令牌向服务器端请求资源
- 资源服务器验证令牌有效,答复请求
在用户向客户端提供授权许可这一环节,OAuth2定义了四种类型:授权码模式(authorization code)、简化模式(implicit)、密码模式(resource owner password credentials)、客户端模式(client credentials)。
授权码(authorization code)
(懒得简化了,先贴出来放在这=。=) The implicit grant is a simplified authorization code flow optimized for clients implemented in a browser using a scripting language such as JavaScript. In the implicit flow, instead of issuing the client an authorization code, the client is issued an access token directly (as the result of the resource owner authorization). The grant type is implicit, as no intermediate credentials (such as an authorization code) are issued (and later used to obtain an access token). When issuing an access token during the implicit grant flow, the authorization server does not authenticate the client. In some cases, the client identity can be verified via the redirection URI used to deliver the access token to the client. The access token may be exposed to the resource owner or other applications with access to the resource owner’s user-agent. Implicit grants improve the responsiveness and efficiency of some clients (such as a client implemented as an in-browser application), since it reduces the number of round trips required to obtain an access token. However, this convenience should be weighed against the security implications of using implicit grants, such as those described in Sections 10.3 and 10.16, especially when the authorization code grant type is available.
密码凭证(resource owner password credentials)
客户端凭证(client credentials)