Algorithms part1 programming assignments 2 - deque

这次作业内容是关于栈和队列的。要求为实现两种数据类型:dequerandomized queues


Deque: A double-ended queue or deque (pronounced “deck”) is a generalization of a stack and a queue that supports adding and removing items from either the front or the back of the data structure.


public class Deque<Item> implements Iterable<Item> {
   public Deque()                           // construct an empty deque
   public boolean isEmpty()                 // is the deque empty?
   public int size()                        // return the number of items on the deque
   public void addFirst(Item item)          // add the item to the front
   public void addLast(Item item)           // add the item to the end
   public Item removeFirst()                // remove and return the item from the front
   public Item removeLast()                 // remove and return the item from the end
   public Iterator<Item> iterator()         // return an iterator over items in order from front to end
   public static void main(String[] args)   // unit testing (optional)

题目要求每个deque的操作都必须是 O(1) 的时间复杂度,迭代器的操作也是 O(1) 的时间复杂度。包含n个元素的deque最多占用48n + 192 bytes。综合考虑采用双向链表比较合适。

Randomized queue

A randomized queue is similar to a stack or queue, except that the item removed is chosen uniformly at random from items in the data structure.


public class RandomizedQueue<Item> implements Iterable<Item> {
   public RandomizedQueue()                 // construct an empty randomized queue
   public boolean isEmpty()                 // is the queue empty?
   public int size()                        // return the number of items on the queue
   public void enqueue(Item item)           // add the item
   public Item dequeue()                    // remove and return a random item
   public Item sample()                     // return (but do not remove) a random item
   public Iterator<Item> iterator()         // return an independent iterator over items in random order
   public static void main(String[] args)   // unit testing (optional)

题目要求每个操作的平均复杂度为 O(1) ,包含n个元素的随机队列最多占用48n + 192 bytes。迭代器的next()hasNext()的时间复杂度为 O(1),构造函数为 O(n)。由于有个随机操作,采用数组方式实现比较合适。



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